Just Eat Takeaway.com headoffice, Madrid

Just Eat Takeaway.com headoffice, Madrid

Following the merger that combined two food delivery giants, the newly formed Just Eat Takeaway.com (JET) in Madrid extended and refurbished their existing 7,000 m2 building in to physically unite teams. They needed a next-level space to hit the ground running with a new look, new teams and a whole new way of working.

GRID is serving as lockers, room dividers and space division furniture in all areas. Supporting the future growth ambitions, the 'fun but not funny' easthetic and informal, collaborative spaces.

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GRID_JET Madrid_01

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GRID_JET Madrid_03

from first inquiry to on-site installation

this is how we work with you

First inquiry

design and 3D visualization

production and preassembly